Weight Training Tips - How To Get The Physique You Want
One thing the internet is full of is weight training tips. Lift weights for a couple of weeks, see some minor results, post your new physique on Facebook and Voila, you're an expert. Sadly, it's not true. If it were that easy the world would be full of buff, ripped and toned individuals and actually the opposite is true.
The best way to start your weight training career, or indeed to inject a dose of realism and discipline in, is to start with the basics.
So, without talking any more about why people aren't doing it right, here's some easy tips on how to do it better.
Set Some Goals
Set realistic ones. Fail to plan and you plan to fail. Without goals you cannot measure your progress and then you're destined to make less progress than someone with firm, realistic goals. Set small goals and big ones. Figure out where you want to be in a year. And in 6 months, 3 months and 1 month. Re-align your goals with your progress, after all an unrealistic goals may set you up for failure.
Make A Commitment To Yourself
You are training for yourself. This isn't going to benefit your friends or random strangers. So make the commitment to doing it properly and doing it well. Learn as much as you can. Speak to people who are successful. Don't be half assed about it. Work out 5 times a week, do everything you can do
Keep doing what you're doing. Reading up. Knowledge really is power and the more you know, the better. If you're ever unsure of something, find out the correct answer. Never, ever guess. This is your health you're risking. Forewarned is forearmed, man I could come up with cliches all day long, but I can't stress enough not to just jump in without knowing what you're doing. The amount of men who wreck their backs by lifting wrong is obscene and I would hate anyone to go through that needlessly.
Make sure it's on the money. Just what I've said about learning how to do something. Make sure you do it correctly. It's easy to jerk the weights up and feel the burn. It's also easy to strain your muscles so hard that they tear. It's just as easy to injure yourself when you're not carrying out the exercises correctly. Get some training from a professional, even if you have to pay a bit for it. It's worth it to ensure that you aren't hurting yourself. Your ligament and tendons will thank you in the long run.
Work Harder
You've set your goals, you're committed, you know exactly what you're doing and your executing your exercises perfectly. And you're making progress. Don't leave yourself on a plateau. Make sure that your upping the weights. Little by little. Push yourself that little bit harder each time. If you can get a tiny amount better than the last workout, each time you workout, your progress will be amazing. Compete against yourself instead of against other people. Review your progress every week and see what you can do better. After a few months you will be absolutely amazed at how far you've come.
Weight training isn't just about being smart. Sometimes it's about making lasting changes. Your eating habits for example. If you want an awesome shape, try a 6 pack abs diet, detailed on my strength training website.
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