It's A 6 Pack Abs Diet, Not A Starvation, Zero Fat, "I'm So Hungry" Diet
By []Lance Carnegie
You can't turn on the TV, or go on the internet without someone pushing a 6 pack abs diet. Obviously with so much conflicting information some of it's got to be right, and some of it a huge amount of nonsense. Figuring out which is the real information is the trick to achieving your goal.
Your eating habits are the most important part of the goal of having an awesome abdominal look. The phrase which you may well have heard, abs are made in the kitchen, is filled with truth. The worse your diet is, the less chance you have of achieving 6 pack abs.
With that in mind, what can you do about your diet?
Well the first thing you can do is make sure your diet isn't a starvation plan. You want to eat food, the right food. Many people think a diet to show off your tummy muscles must be some broccoli and a glass of water three times a day. Sure that will reduce the fat in your body but you'll get real sick, real quick.
Keep balance in mind. Keep health in mind.
Fat - People think that fat is the worst thing they can have. The simple fact is that fat is an important part of a healthy diet, but not all fats are created equal. A small amount of fats is vital for your diet and helps move you towards your goals. Unsaturated fat such as that you get from nuts, olive oil, fish and avocado is essential for a balanced diet. What's great to know is that this type of fat keeps your insulin level stable, without which state you would be more likely to gain fat itself. So, moderation is the key here.
Carbohydrates - You do still need carbs, it's just when to have them that matters. Try to contain your carbohydrate intake to after your workout. This is because your body really needs carbs at this time and uses them to fuel muscle creation. The possibility of carbs digested at that time turning into fat still exists, but is lessened. It's also true that consuming carbs in this fashion helps muscle repair and recovery, in other words less recovery time from the gym and weight lifting.
Protein - Make sure you're getting your fair share. Protein is the substance that allows you to build muscle in the first place. As well as that it gives you the satisfied feeling that having enough to eat gives you. Without protein you would eat a lot more food. Also importantly protein burns off a lot more calories while being digested than carbs or fat.
Furthermore, to increase the likelihood of getting 6 pack abs, you should be eating plenty of vegetables, raw if possible. This helps to control insulin levels and provide you with necessary vitamins, minerals, fiber and anti-oxidants.
If your 6 pack abs diet doesn't include any of this, take a long hard look at what you're doing in relation to your goals.
A low fat diet doesn't mean a no-fat diet. Use sensible means to achieve your goals, gather []weight training tips from experts and visit my site to find out []how to build muscle fast.
Article Source: [,-Not-A-Starvation,-Zero-Fat,-Im-So-Hungry-Diet&id=6559804] It's A 6 Pack Abs Diet, Not A Starvation, Zero Fat, "I'm So Hungry" Diet
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