How To Get Abs Fast - Fast Track Strategies To Great Abs
I know the feeling...summer is approaching and you look down at your winter belly with disgust, thinking 'I need to shape up for summer.' Having great abs is not only one of the sexiest things to have, but is arguably the most sought after things that will most definitely get you noticed on any beach. So, if summer is steaming with you desperately wanting to know how you can get those great abs in time to impress, help is at hand. Here are some ideas on how to get abs fast, but be warned - it's not going to happen overnight and it probably won't involve some magic pill or potion that is advertised on late night TV.
Targeting the abdominal muscles is quite difficult and along with our modern diets high in saturated fat and sugar developing 6-pack abs presents quite a challenge. No wonder we value it so much - it really is hard work. Depending on your current situation, you can develop a perfect set of 6-pack abs in as little as 6 weeks. Most people already have a 6-pack, the only problem is that it is covered in a layer of fat.
The first thing we need to do then is to get rid of this layer of fat that is hiding our greatest 'beach asset'. How do we do that? Start off with cardio training as an overall weight loss exercise. You need to do at least 50 minutes 5 to 6 days a week (remember we are on the fast track here) and preferably you should run, swim, cycle or be on a stepper or equivalent apparatus.
The reason for this is that these exercises also work the abdominal area while you loose weight and it starts toning your abs while you shed the pounds. Your 50 minutes of cardio training should be preceded by 10 minutes of warm up and the 50 minutes need to be 50 minute at 60% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age and you can buy a relatively inexpensive heart rate monitor to help you train with consistency and efficiency. This is really important for effective weight loss.
Apart from doing cardio training you also need to incorporate strength training to build and tone the abs. As you build the muscles you will start to increase the metabolism in your ab muscles which will help with burning more fat in that area and the overall appearance of the muscles will improve. There are many types of strength training exercises that you can do to target your abdominal muscles. Sit-ups, crunches and leg lefts are exercises that we are all familiar with. The best way to do it is to incorporate these exercises with your cardio routine - especially after your run, swim or cycle.
Although very few people want to hear it, diet is incredibly important. Excess fat tends to collect around our waists and actually ads to that layer of fat that 'hides' your six pack. If you are looking for ways how to get abs fast, then you have to address your diet. You need to eliminate fatty foods. Apart from adding to the layer of fat, it also slows down your metabolism which slows down the tempo at which your body burns fat. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will increase your energy levels, speed up your metabolism and improve your overall health.
Although there are many products advertised for how to get abs fast, in the end you are the one who's going to do it. Quick fixes never work long term and all the creams, potions and vibrating machines...well, you decide for yourself. Either way you have to get rid of the fat to and build the muscles.
The greatest reward is not in having great abs, but in the sense of pride and achievement from actually doing it. Although it varies depending on your current weight, you can see real and measurable results in as little as 6 weeks - if you stick to the routine above. Diet combined with targeted exercise is the way to go. This is how to get abs fast and leave lasting impressions on your friends when they see your perfectly toned set of abs.
Article by Deon Du Plessis
For more information on how to build that perfect set of abs faster than you ever though possible, visit for more information and practical tips. You can also get your FREE exercise and nutritional guide to get you started on your way to perfect abs.
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